What You Need In A Commercial Cleaning Company Today.

Finding the perfect commercial cleaning service can be daunting. Where do you begin? What key factors ensure a successful partnership that delivers top-notch services, impresses customers, and satisfies your staff? Look no further! This checklist covers all the essentials for securing the finest commercial cleaning services in 2024.

1. Effortless Communication

For prompt assistance with additional services or issues, it's crucial to have easy access to support. Leading cleaning providers offer contact protocols such as monitored phone numbers or emails. At Blooming Solutions, we go beyond by assigning a custom email address to each serviced facility. This ensures swift communication among relevant parties, allowing our cleaning staff to address concerns promptly. Additionally, we provide an emergency line for after-hours issues that require immediate attention.

2. Customized Cleaning Solutions Just for You

Each business has its own unique needs, and your cleaning provider should understand and adapt to them accordingly. Services should be scheduled at your convenience and performed by a team trained specifically for your industry. This is particularly crucial for medical facilities. In addition to communication, there are other ways to tailor our services to your facility. For example, in medical settings, we can use door seal stickers to indicate when a room has been cleaned. For large office spaces, QR plaques in break rooms can facilitate communication with cleaning staff. We strive to provide the best commercial cleaning services by customizing our approach to meet your needs..

3. Get More than Just Commercial Cleaning

Don't underestimate the impact of specialized services alongside regular cleaning. Think exterior window cleaning, pressure washing, parking lot sweeping, floor care, and carpet cleaning. It's ideal to have all these services from one provider, but ensure they have a separate team for specialized tasks. For instance, our lead team handles all specialized cleaning, trained differently from our regular cleaning staff, ensuring top-notch results for your facility.

4. Ensuring Quality

Assessing progress is essential. A cleaning provider committed to consistency and quality will establish a quality assurance framework. This might involve routine surveys and satisfaction calls. An enhanced quality assurance setup could entail recording all feedback, complaints, and site visits. With this information, your provider can generate personalized reports for your review. Some providers even conduct regular facility inspections and offer additional training. We incorporate these practices.

5. Training With Laser-Like Focus on Cleaning Techniques

In our industry, a common misconception is that cleaning is straightforward, leading many to pursue commercial cleaning as an easy endeavor. However, the reality is quite different. Successful cleaning in a business setting relies heavily on established systems. Having a structured process is essential to avoid overlooking tasks and to ensure compliance with industry norms. It's crucial to verify that each member of your cleaning team has undergone initial training. Furthermore, continuous training is necessary to keep methods current and effective.

Let's Recap: Steps to Obtain Superior Commercial Cleaning Services in 2024

This could potentially be your most successful year yet in managing your facility's cleaning services! It all hinges on your level of proactivity regarding:

  1. Establishing communication protocols and adhering to them to maintain smooth communication.
  2. Verifying that your cleaning provider customizes services according to your requirements..
  3. Teaming up with a provider that delivers a range of services beyond the basics of cleaning.
  4. Ensuring the presence of a quality assurance program and comprehending its operation.
  5. Assessing the training provided to your cleaning staff.

Pros and Cons of a Franchise vs. Company-Owned Janitorial Business

Before addressing this inquiry, it's worth noting that we have accumulated 30 years of experience in the janitorial industry, during which I've been involved with both company-owned and franchising systems.

One pervasive challenge in the janitorial sector is the high turnover rate among staff. It's not uncommon for janitorial employees to depart within a mere 3 to 6 months of starting the job. This phenomenon affects both franchising and company-operated janitorial businesses.

After factoring in the time, financial resources, and effort invested in training each individual, this recurring turnover represents a significant ongoing expense for businesses. Furthermore, it has a detrimental impact on end users, such as individuals or companies relying on these services. With a constant influx of new personnel, maintaining a high level of quality and consistency becomes challenging, which is a key expectation of most facility owners.

One notable advantage of company-owned operations in this scenario is the flexibility it offers in staffing. Hiring and terminating employees is more straightforward because employment is typically at-will, and there are no long-term contracts involved.

In contrast, the process of signing or terminating a franchise is intricate, as it entails committing to a multi-year agreement and often assuming a promissory note with the franchisor. Consequently, a franchising system must establish an effective vetting process for potential franchisees.

Conversely, one of the strengths of franchising lies in achieving a certain level of staffing consistency. Once a franchisee signs on, they commit to working with the franchisor for at least 3 to 5 years, if not longer. Given that they often directly supervise their cleaning crews or perform the cleaning themselves, they can generally maintain a higher level of consistency compared to managers of company-owned firms who experience similar turnover rates as their employees.

This can be a significant benefit for facility owners, as it implies that the individuals cleaning their building are more likely to possess expertise, given the potential for more consistent and thorough training. The longer a person remains with the franchise, the more knowledge and value they contribute to the service they provide.

Another notable advantage of franchised companies is that franchisees gain access to a comprehensive network of essential support services, including sales, advertising, customer service, and accounting. This support enables them to focus more on service delivery and less on administrative tasks.

Nevertheless, joining a franchise can prove to be a poor decision if you align with the wrong franchisor. Some franchisors are primarily driven by profit and lack the systems needed to attract and nurture strong franchise candidates. They have low criteria for selecting franchisees, offer minimal training, and operate on narrow profit margins. In such cases, opting for a franchise can indeed be a poor choice.

That being said, I firmly believe that poorly managed company-run janitorial firms are worse than poorly run franchises. There is a phenomenon where individuals experience "entrepreneurial seizures," waking up one day and deciding, "How difficult could it be to run a (insert industry, janitorial in this case) business?"

They often underestimate the level of work and skill required, even with good intentions. In the end, they typically burn out within a few months or years, negatively impacting themselves and their customers, who must then search for replacements when service quality declines or the business is abandoned.

Ultimately, both setups have their pros and cons, but the strength of a company and its services is ultimately determined by its leadership and core values.

A janitorial firm, whether owned and operated by the company itself or through a franchise, will excel if it upholds strong core values because they are the fundamental bedrock of any successful business.


Use This Checklist to Keep Your College Dorm Room Neat and Tidy

Being a college student with a packed schedule, maintaining a tidy dorm room might not be your top concern, and it's likely at the bottom of your to-do list. However, the cleanliness of your dorm room can significantly affect your academic performance and social life.

Dorm rooms, despite their size, can be a challenge to keep clean, especially when you're sharing the space with a roommate. To assist you in staying on top of your dorm cleaning responsibilities, we've developed a comprehensive checklist. In the following sections, you'll discover the necessary supplies and a daily, weekly, and monthly checklist to help you stay organized and maintain a clean living space.

Motivations for Keeping Your Dorm Room Clean

Maintaining a clean and well-organized living space can contribute to stress reduction and decreased anxiety, ultimately facilitating improved concentration. A clean room serves as a protective barrier against the spread of germs and helps safeguard your health, reducing the likelihood of falling ill. Furthermore, an orderly living space fosters a welcoming environment for guests, enhancing your social interactions, as people are more inclined to spend time in a tidy and inviting room.

Dorm Cleaning Supplies You Need

Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning Equipment

Brands that we recommend include Clorox, Scrub Daddy, Mr. Clean, and Lysol.

Before you start unpacking your belongings in your college dorm, it's important to note that the room will have undergone a thorough cleaning. However, we advise an additional step of wiping down surfaces with a disinfecting wipe for added cleanliness.

Dorm Cleaning Routine

By breaking down tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly routines, you can maintain a tidy environment without feeling overwhelmed. Here’s a thorough guide to help you stay on top of your dorm cleaning:

Daily Tasks:

  1. Make Your Bed: Start your day by making your bed. It instantly makes your room look neater.
  2. Declutter: Spend a few minutes picking up any items that are out of place and putting them back where they belong.
  3. Wipe Surfaces: Quickly wipe down surfaces like your desk, bedside table, and shelves with a damp cloth to remove dust.
  4. Laundry Management: Place dirty clothes in a designated hamper or laundry bag to avoid clutter. If you have a small load, consider doing laundry more frequently.
  5. Empty Trash: Empty your trash bin daily to prevent odors and pests.
  6. Dish Care: If you have a mini-fridge or microwave, clean up any food spills promptly.

Weekly Tasks:

  1. Dust: Dust surfaces such as your electronics, decorations, and light fixtures. Use a microfiber cloth or a duster.
  2. Vacuum or Sweep: Vacuum the floor if you have carpeting, or sweep and mop if you have a hard floor surface. Pay attention to corners and under furniture.
  3. Change Bedding: Strip your bed of sheets and pillowcases and replace them with clean ones. This helps maintain hygiene and a fresh environment.
  4. Bathroom Cleaning: If you have a shared bathroom, clean up after yourself, ensuring sinks, mirrors, and toilet areas are tidy.
  5. Desk Organization: Organize your study area, putting away any papers, books, or stationery that have accumulated.
  6. Fridge Check: Dispose of any expired or spoiled food from your mini-fridge or snack stash.

Monthly Tasks:

  1. Deep Clean: Dedicate a day to deep cleaning. Move furniture to clean underneath, wipe down walls, and clean any hard-to-reach areas.
  2. Mop Hard Floors: Clean the floors with a microfiber mop to remove all the dirt and dust that has accumulated over time.
  3. Closet Tidy-Up: Organize your closet, donating or storing items you don’t need. This prevents clutter from accumulating.
  4. Tech Cleaning: Gently clean your electronics, including your laptop, monitor, and keyboard, to remove dust and fingerprints.
  5. Window Cleaning: Wipe down your windows and window sills to let in more natural light and maintain a fresh look.
  6. Inventory Check: Review your supplies and toiletries. Restock on items you’re running low on.

When It's Time for a Deep Clean in Your Dorm Room

Your dorm room should always be deep cleaned under these circumstances:

For a thorough deep clean, diligently follow the steps listed earlier, and don't forget to disinfect surfaces using disinfecting wipes.

How to Deal with a Messy Roommate

Dealing with a consistently messy roommate who doesn't contribute to space upkeep is a situation that calls for a thoughtful conversation. Addressing the issue of a cluttered college roommate requires finesse, effective communication, and empathy. Here are some valuable approaches to navigate this situation:

  1. Choose the Right Time: Find a time when both of you are calm and not rushed. Avoid confronting them during stressful periods like exams or when they’re already agitated.
  2. Be Calm and Respectful: Maintain a calm and respectful demeanor throughout the conversation. Avoid being confrontational or aggressive.
  3. Use “I” Statements: Frame your concerns using “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory. For example, say “I’ve noticed that the room gets cluttered” instead of “You always make a mess.”
  4. Choose Your Battles: What frustrates you the most? Be specific about that and ask if they can focus on tackling that task. For example, say “I was wondering if you could do me a big favor and wash your dishes in the sink everyday.”
  5. Find Common Ground: Start by acknowledging that everyone has different cleaning habits. Emphasize that you both share the space and want to find a solution that works for both of you.

It's important to emphasize the importance of consistency. Establishing a regular cleaning schedule and adhering to it will make the entire process much more manageable. Moreover, if you have a roommate, consider involving them in this routine to ensure shared responsibility for maintaining a clean and pleasant living environment. By following these guidelines, you can transform your dorm room into a welcoming and well-organized space, enhancing your overall on-campus living experience.

When Is the Right Time to Consider Hiring a Day Porter?

While nightly cleaning services ensure a presentable and safe environment for your customers and staff, they may not address the messes that accumulate during the day. Issues like mud tracked through the halls, accidental spills, or discarded paper products on bathroom floors can be persistent challenges. If these daytime problems become frequent, it's worth considering the addition of a day porter to your cleaning team.

What Is a Day Porter?

A day porter plays a vital role in maintaining cleanliness throughout a building between regular cleaning services. Their responsibilities can be highly customized, but typically include:

While having a day porter can be a significant asset, it's not always necessary. So, when should you consider hiring a day porter? Here are a few signs that your building might benefit from one:

1. The Building Experiences High Levels of Traffic

Consider hiring a day porter in cases where, despite the nightly cleaning services, messes persist, and trash accumulates throughout the day. While a reputable service provider ensures a thorough nightly cleaning, it's not reasonable to expect them to address messes created by customers and staff during the daytime hours when they aren't present.

Additionally, if your building operates 24/7, adhering to off-hour cleaning schedules may not be feasible. Instead, a day porter can effectively maintain high-traffic areas such as restrooms, lobbies, and common spaces to ensure they remain in pristine condition at all times.

Employing a day porter can be advantageous for the night crew as it enables them to concentrate on more intricate deep cleaning duties. To prevent any potential miscommunication between these two teams, collaborate closely with your service provider to establish clear responsibilities for each group. This coordination ensures that both teams understand their specific roles and tasks, leading to a more effective and harmonious cleaning operation.

2. The Building Demands a Higher Level of Cleaning Expertise

Medical facilities necessitate elevated cleaning standards due to constant exposure to bacteria and viruses. Patient care often involves dealing with bodily fluids like vomit and blood, which demand cleaning procedures compliant with stringent health regulations.

Similarly, labs, educational institutions, and select manufacturing facilities adhere to these rigorous cleanliness requirements. If you oversee any of these specialized facilities, a day porter becomes indispensable in ensuring the safety and well-being of your occupants.

3. The Building Has a High Security Clearance

In cases where regulations prohibit leaving your building unsupervised during the night, traditional evening cleaning services may not be feasible. In such circumstances, hiring a day porter offers a straightforward solution to maintain your building's cleanliness and security. Engaging a day porter ensures compliance with your security standards while providing the convenience of having immediate assistance whenever required.

Cleaning tasks traditionally scheduled for nighttime, such as mopping, vacuuming, and deep cleaning restrooms, can be efficiently carried out during quieter business hours, minimizing disruption to both your customers and staff.

How Do I Find the Right Day Porter?

The success of day porter services hinges on having the right individuals in place. When seeking a day porter, it's crucial to ask the pertinent questions. For instance:

The Definitive Guide to Office Deep Cleaning Services

While routine cleaning is essential for maintaining workplace health and safety, there are occasions when your office necessitates deep cleaning services. Curious about whether deep cleaning is the right choice for your office? Continue reading to gain insights into the significance, frequency, and the comprehensive services associated with deep cleaning your workspace.

Why is Office Deep Cleaning of Vital Importance?

At Our Core, We Prioritize Health Over Appearance in Our Cleaning Approach. Deep Cleaning for a Productive, Safe, and Healthy Workplace.

Deep cleaning goes beyond surface aesthetics to enhance productivity, mitigate workplace hazards, and bolster overall workplace health. It's a process that eradicates concealed dust and unseen germs, addressing often-neglected areas. In addition, deep cleaning effectively eliminates mysterious odors, whether trapped in carpets, upholstery, or bathroom drains. The removal of these odors contributes to higher levels of customer and employee satisfaction.

How Often Should You Deep Clean an Office?

The frequency of deep cleaning sessions for your office can vary depending on several factors. If your office receives regular and high-quality cleaning services, deep cleaning may not be required frequently, possibly once a year. However, there are situations where a deep cleaning becomes necessary, such as:

  1. Before or after hosting a major event.
  2. Before or after relocating to a new office space.
  3. When you bring on board a new service provider.

What Sets Regular Cleaning Apart from Deep Cleaning?

Regular office cleaning encompasses daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. This routine includes activities like surface wiping, thorough dusting, floor vacuuming, spot cleaning for floors and carpets, window cleaning, and garbage disposal. These efforts aim to maintain a consistently clean and inviting office environment. The frequency of regular cleaning varies depending on the facility's size and foot traffic. Larger office spaces often require more frequent regular cleaning.

In contrast, deep cleaning involves specialized expertise, equipment, and substantial effort. These services encompass tasks such as removing various types of buildup, floor refinishing, tile and grout cleaning, carpet cleaning, comprehensive surface disinfection, upholstery cleaning, and more.

Three Essential Components of a Comprehensive Office Deep Cleaning

When Performing an Office Deep Cleaning, Don't Overlook These Key Areas:

  1. Hard to reach places
  2. Vents, baseboards, and window ledges
  3. Under furniture

Hard to Reach Places

These areas encompass the upper portions of air-conditioning units, light fixtures, corners, crown molding, and any other areas that are difficult to access due to their height. High dusting is typically a part of routine cleaning services, but if your facility features vaulted ceilings or other challenging architectural elements, your standard after-hours cleaning staff might struggle to address them effectively. In such cases, enlisting a specialized deep cleaning team may become necessary.

Vents, Baseboards, and Window Ledges

These areas often accumulate a significant amount of dust over time due to their inconspicuous nature, frequently going unnoticed. Dust, a common allergen, should be rigorously removed to ensure a healthy environment. While cleaning these spaces is a straightforward task, it can be time-consuming, particularly in the case of multi-story buildings

Under Furniture

Moreover, a comprehensive deep cleaning wouldn't be complete without the repositioning of furniture. The spaces beneath furniture pieces are often a breeding ground for dust and debris. Moving these items is essential not only to eliminate hidden dust but also to uncover any unattended stains or floor damage that may require prompt attention.

What Determines the Cost of an Office Deep Cleaning?

Deep cleaning prices are primarily influenced by the following:

Facility Size: Larger facilities demand a greater number of cleaning personnel, leading to increased labor costs.

Facility Condition: If the office is in a notably poor condition, the cleaning services required may be more extensive and time-consuming.

Accessibility Challenges: A smaller, hard-to-reach area can present challenges to cleaning teams, requiring creative solutions.

Quality of Cleaning Products: The choice of cleaning chemicals can impact the overall price, but it's advisable to invest in high-quality products to ensure top-notch service quality

How to Arrange Office Deep Cleaning Services with Blooming Solutions?

Our deep cleaning services are available to offices located throughout the Peel, Halton, and Hamilton area. To schedule a free assessment, call us at 289-813-6110. or submit a form to request a quote. Be prepared to answer the following questions so that we may assist you the best we can:

Here Are the Top Five Reasons To Consider Hiring a Professional Cleaning Service:

With everything happening at your business, cleaning shouldn't be a concern. Spending time and resources on recruiting an in-house janitorial team may not be the best use of your company's assets.

Your facility is a reflection of your brand. Companies invest heavily in maintaining their online presence, but how much do they invest in managing their physical buildings?

Just like your company's website and social media profiles, your facility sends a message to your customers. A well-organized and clean facility creates an appealing environment for customers. Hiring a professional cleaning service can help you meet these high customer expectations.

We understand that the janitorial industry sometimes has a poor reputation. There are stereotypes about cleaning companies being unprofessional, inconsistent, and lacking in communication.

Perhaps you're reading this because you've had a bad experience with a previous company. However, that company may not have been the right fit for you. Your business deserves a janitorial provider that aims to collaborate with you, not just provide a service – a company that listens and delivers what you need, not just what they offer.

There are several compelling reasons to consider hiring a professional cleaning company. If you're tired of spending time cleaning during your workday or your facility isn't receiving the service it deserves, continue reading to learn more.

1. The Highest Quality Clean

Cleaning is a skilled profession. At Blooming Solutions, franchise owners and employees undergo background checks and receive training based on industry standards. They have the expertise to effectively clean and disinfect your office.

Professional cleaning companies, like us, have experience handling large properties, and we're attentive to the details that often go unnoticed. We understand what people notice in a business, such as pristine floors, carpets, windows, and bathrooms.

Moreover, we have a dedicated team to efficiently clean large facilities, which may require 10-40 staff members.

2. OSHA Compliance and Liability

While you do have the option to hire your in-house janitorial staff and invest in equipment, you must be prepared to provide training on Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. This includes teaching them the safe operation of equipment and proper usage of cleaning supplies.

It's crucial to recognize that you will be responsible for the safety of your in-house janitorial team, and if accidents occur, you are liable. Enlisting the services of a professional cleaning company eliminates these concerns, as they come equipped with the necessary knowledge and experience to handle these aspects for you.

3. Boost Productivity

Maintaining cleanliness is a fundamental aspect of meeting everyday job requirements. In environments like hospitals, messes are inevitable, and it's essential to have a team available to ensure continuous cleanliness around the clock.

Outsourcing your medical cleaning services guarantees timely and efficient cleaning, accommodating patients and staff who work non-stop. It's not advisable to burden your employees with cleaning duties beyond their job descriptions, as this can affect morale and divert their attention from more critical tasks. Building a business to be proud of involves addressing essential services that contribute to growth and development.

4. Uphold Health and Attendee Rates

Distinguishing between cleaning for health and cleaning for appearance is crucial. A visually clean facility may not necessarily be a truly clean one. Routine cleaning is essential for maintaining a healthy environment that keeps office occupants present and productive.

When surfaces are regularly dusted and disinfected, the risk of illnesses and infections decreases. Hiring a professional cleaning company ensures thorough and frequent cleaning, ultimately reducing sick days and increasing overall productivity. Maintaining a clean office space leads to improved output and attendance rates.

5. Supply of Products

At Blooming Solutions, we prioritize the quality of our products and services. Our team undergoes rigorous training to thoroughly understand the compounds present in our cleaning products and when to use them appropriately. We go a step further by regularly monitoring our franchise owners and employees to ensure they maintain the correct product usage and cleaning methods. Incorrect product use can lead to surface damage or even pose health risks.

Our training procedures are consistently updated to align with industry standards. Quality cleaning products can be costly, but by hiring a professional cleaning company, you won't need to cover these expenses out of your pocket.

Choosing a professional cleaning company guarantees your facility receives a top-tier clean using the best products, all while complying with OSHA regulations.

It also enhances your company's overall efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Before making your decision, be sure to ask janitorial providers the right questions.

If you're in search of a professional cleaning company, we're here to assist. Blooming Solutions possesses the expertise and resources to deliver high-quality janitorial services to your facilities.

How Much Do Commercial Cleaning Services Cost?

It's no secret that some companies tend to be discreet about their pricing. However, transparency about product and service costs holds significant importance. We understand that running a business comes with substantial expenses, and wise spending is crucial. When it comes to cleaning services, it's an investment worth considering.

Opting for the cheapest cleaning service available is a misconception many companies have. Some believe that cleaning is an unskilled profession and, therefore, should be inexpensive. However, this notion couldn't be further from the truth. Proper janitorial training involves a significant amount of time and hard work. Cheaper options typically result in subpar services.

If you're reading this post to discover the cost of commercial cleaning services, we regret that we can't provide you with an exact figure. The cost of such services varies based on the client, facility, and specific tasks involved. Furthermore, numerous factors come into play when determining the cost of commercial cleaning services. A thorough facility audit is necessary to consider factors such as:


The first influential factor is the size of your facility. A larger square footage translates to more surfaces, floors, and windows to be covered with dust and cleaned. During a building audit conducted by a sales manager, every square foot of your facility is measured, each floor type is documented, and every bathroom is counted.

The facility's size determines both the number of employees required for cleaning and the hours billed to your account. Large corporations might need anywhere from 10 to 40 staff members to efficiently clean the entire facility.

In contrast, a school may only require between one to 10 staff members. Small offices with limited staff and lower foot traffic can often suffice with one to two individuals providing regular cleaning throughout the week.

Type of Business and Location

Different businesses require different cleaning services.

For instance, consider terminal cleaning, a specialized cleaning method employed in healthcare environments to mitigate the spread of infections.

This type of cleaning must be executed meticulously to safeguard the health and safety of doctors, nurses, and patients. Every nook and cranny must be thoroughly cleaned, ensuring that nothing is left behind. Cleaning a small surgical room, especially when it involves equipment, may take anywhere from two to five hours.

While your business may not be a medical facility, it might experience substantial foot traffic. High-traffic facilities often necessitate more frequent cleaning.

Additionally, if your location is in a remote area, it can be challenging to arrange for a cleaning team to reach you. All these factors need to be carefully considered when determining the cost of commercial cleaning services.


As previously mentioned, the size and nature of the business being serviced are significant factors affecting the cleaning duration. However, the timing of the cleaning also plays a crucial role.

When cleaning is carried out during regular business hours, efficiency can be compromised. Cleaning may need to halt if employees are using restrooms, or equipment might need to be powered down when staff is on the phone.

Consequently, many businesses prefer to have their facilities cleaned after hours. Although these hours may not coincide with peak operational hours for your business, they are peak cleaning hours for a professional service, which can impact service pricing..


How often do you require cleaning for your facility? The frequency of cleaning directly impacts how consistently clean your facility remains. Hospitals, medical facilities, and schools, for instance, typically demand regular cleaning due to the prevalence of substantial messes and the larger size of these establishments compared to typical office spaces.

In such cases, hiring a day porter can be a valuable consideration. Day porters play a crucial role as the unsung heroes of your facility, working daily to maintain cleanliness between regularly scheduled cleaning services.

While they help keep the premises presentable, your facility still requires specialized professionals to complete tasks like floor finishing and deep restroom cleaning after regular business hours.

Expected Duties

The number of services you opt for undoubtedly impacts the cost of your commercial cleaning services. For instance, you might be considering a combination of general janitorial, floor care, and window cleaning.

Choosing all three services will naturally lead to an increased overall price. However, it's a well-recognized industry secret that individuals often gauge the cleanliness of a space based on three key areas: the windows, the floor, and the bathrooms.

Ensuring the comprehensive care of these three areas is essential. Moreover, the specific types of floors and finishes in your bathrooms will influence our approach to servicing your facility

Quality cleaning services don’t need to break the bank, but they are an investment. Your facility is a physical representation of who you are and should be clean 24/7. Factors that will influence the price of your commercial cleaning services include size, type of facility, time, frequency and services.

Key Considerations Before Contacting a Professional Cleaning Service:

Keeping Office Floors Clean & Shiny!

When a visitor enters your building for the first time, the state of your flooring is the initial aspect that captures their attention. Dull, stained, or worn flooring can detract from your building's image, regardless of the care invested in other aspects of your facility. Even if you have new reception furniture, impeccably clean glass doors and windows, and lush lobby plants, inadequately maintained floors will draw your visitor's gaze.

Hence, it is imperative to maintain your flooring regularly, ensuring they remain shiny, clean, and fresh. Effective commercial floor cleaning not only enhances the appearance but also extends the long-term lifespan of your floors and carpets, consequently reducing the expense of replacing this vital feature. There's no need to wait for your flooring to appear dirty or worn. Our team of Blooming Solutions quality floor cleaning professionals is here to help you maintain flawless floors throughout the year. So, how can you preserve the appearance of your floors between cleanings?

Use Mats

Preventing, or at the very least, minimizing the ingress of dirt at entrances by utilizing floor mats inside and outside every door is an effective measure to decrease the amount of dirt being tracked into the building.

Frequent Mopping

Request your floor care professional to conduct mopping as frequently as possible. This practice not only minimizes dirt accumulation but also prevents stains from becoming ingrained. Ensure that your cleaning staff is well-versed in correct mopping techniques and utilizes specialized methods and high-quality cleaning supplies.

Regular Cleaning of Cleaning Equipment

The importance of maintaining the cleanliness of your cleaning tools is frequently overlooked or disregarded.

However, it is crucial, as starting the cleaning process with dirty equipment can make the floors significantly dirtier. It's advisable to instruct the cleaning team to change the water in the bucket more frequently and employ specialized detergents and chemicals.

Additionally, it's vital to ensure that the mop is cleaned on a regular basis and kept dry between cleanings. If your office adopts eco-friendly practices, there is a wide array of environmentally friendly cleaning supplies available to choose from..

Regular Deep Cleaning

While daily mopping plays a critical role in managing surface dirt, it's equally essential to schedule regular deep cleaning. Deep cleaning is instrumental in protecting floors from the potential damage caused by accumulated dirt and moisture.

Invest Now and Save Money

Investing in the correct maintenance of your floors proves to be a cost-saving measure in the long term. Enrolling in a floor care program, which entails scheduled floor cleaning visits tailored to your specific requirements, prolongs the lifespan of your floors. Consistently scheduling floor cleaning with the same company ensures that your floors receive the proper treatment and protection against long-term damage. If a comprehensive floor care program doesn't align with your needs, you also have the flexibility to schedule individual floor care visits as necessary.

The Top 3 Ways Facility Managers Can Minimize Stress

A Day in the Life of a Facility Manager: Handling a Range of Responsibilities and Challenges

Facility managers bear the weight of multiple responsibilities that come with maintaining an organization's building(s). They must not only ensure compliance with legal requirements and health and safety standards but also coordinate various maintenance services and much more.

If you are a facility manager, we’re sure you are familiar with these five causes of work related stress:

  1. Not enough time in the day for everything that needs attention.
  2. A lack of budget and resources.
  3. Demands of the job that are constantly changing.
  4. Poor conditions of the building.
  5. Communicating with building occupants.

So, how can you mitigate job-related stress? Three essential strategies can help facility managers minimize stress, with the first being a priority on effective communication.

1. Prioritize Communication.

Poor communication often underlies most issues in facility management. For instance, you might encounter situations where you need to drop everything to address a concern promptly, simply because an occupant failed to report the issue when it first arose. Alternatively, cleaning services scheduled in preparation for an event may not be completed on time due to a lack of proper details conveyed to the cleaning staff.

To steer clear of such issues that consume your time and lead to stress, it's essential to give communication the attention it deserves. Here are some effective ways to enhance communication with your team and partners:

Make it Easy to Report a Problem

When building issues go unreported, it's often an indicator that building occupants may not be aware of how to report their concerns. To simplify the process, ensure clear identification of available communication channels.

One effective approach is to establish a dedicated email address or form specifically for reporting issues. In cases where you are working with a vendor, like Blooming Solutions, familiarize yourself with your point of contact and their preferred mode of communication. Reputable vendors typically have established communication methods to alleviate the burden on your end.

For instance, Blooming Solutions customarily creates email groups for all our customers, promoting open communication and timely responses..

Clearly Identify How Issues Are Resolved

Effective communication goes beyond reporting issues; it should also encompass how problems are addressed and resolved. Clearly define your processes and share them with your entire staff to ensure everyone understands the procedures for issue resolution. If your aim is to enhance communication with a vendor, ensure that their processes are transparent to you.

A reputable vendor should be readily available when you require their assistance and have a system in place for recording requests and complaints. We recommend regular meetings to discuss service performance and maintain a strong vendor-client relationship.

2. Vet Your Vendors.

The primary objective of outsourcing maintenance services is to alleviate the workload of a facility manager. However, if you find yourself frequently voicing complaints or requiring modifications, it can result in added stress and work for you. Prior to entering into a partnership with a vendor, it is essential to ask them the pertinent questions to ensure a smooth and efficient collaboration.

Prepare for the Interview

It's not solely about the services themselves. While it's crucial that your vendors can provide the services you require at the necessary capacity, they should also offer comprehensive support services. Additionally, they should be properly insured and bonded to safeguard your business.

Set Realistic Expectations

While it's not expected that you'll need to lodge a complaint every day, it's an inevitable aspect of managing a building with evolving needs and occupants. It's essential to clearly establish your expectations with your vendors and identify your priorities. Determine your 'deal breakers' and the specific issues you aim to address. The more transparent you are in your communication, the more transparent your vendors can be in their service delivery.

3. Set boundaries and Delegate.

Remember, you don't have to shoulder everything on your own. It's important not to overwhelm yourself by taking on every task that comes your way. Instead, rely on your team and any new hires for support. If your budget permits, consider bringing in qualified individuals who can assist you. If budget constraints are a factor, establish clear boundaries with your existing team to ensure realistic expectations are set.

Delegate and Automate Where Possible

Training your staff comprehensively on all aspects of your role ensures that tasks are executed correctly in your absence. In cases where you don't have a team working under you, establish protocols for handling responsibilities when you are away. This may involve collaborating with your vendors for support or coordinating with other team members. You might also explore the use of software or systems that can assist in managing incoming requests and automating processes, streamlining your workload.

Know When to Take a Break

As a facilities manager, you'll enhance your effectiveness by prioritizing your mental and physical well-being. While it's important to be available and present, it's equally crucial to allocate time for lunch breaks and limit your response to emergencies after 7pm (or a time that aligns with the needs of your facility). Setting and maintaining these boundaries fosters a culture of respect for your time within your team.

Let’s Summarize

Work can be stressful, but facility managers can minimize stress in these three ways:

  1. Prioritize communication – Clearly identify your processes for reporting and resolving concerns.
  2. Vet your vendors – Ask the right questions and set realistic expectations.
  3. Set boundaries and delegate – Lean on your team and make time for yourself.

The greater the effort a facility manager invests in stress reduction, the more effective they become in their role.

Enhance Workplace Awareness of Mental Health with These Five Strategies

May marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a significant opportunity for employers to consider the importance of mental health in the workplace. While some may question their role in promoting mental health, the workplace provides a conducive environment for raising awareness.

With existing communication channels, support networks, and the potential for incentives, employers can actively encourage healthier behaviors. Moreover, addressing mental health challenges and stress is essential, as they can significantly affect employee performance. Read on for five simple steps to foster mental health awareness in your workplace.

The Effects of Mental Health Challenges and Stress on the Workplace

Why Should You Be Concerned?

The crucial question is, "Why should you be concerned about mental health in the workplace?" According to the CDC, nearly 1 in 5 US adults reported experiencing some form of mental illness in 2016. This statistic highlights the prevalence of mental health issues in society.

The impact of poor mental health and stress on the workplace is significant. These factors can lead to a decline in job performance, reduced productivity, impaired communication with co-workers, and limitations in physical capabilities and daily functioning.

Moreover, individuals dealing with mental health challenges and stress often grapple with physical health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, and disorders affecting muscles, bones, and joints.

Implementing the right workplace initiatives can effectively reduce the high medical expenses incurred by both employers and employees, making it a matter of utmost importance to address mental health issues in the workplace.

What Solutions are Available to Employers

Promoting mental health awareness in the workplace can be achieved through various means. The following five tips provide a solid foundation to get started.

1. Invite Employees to Take Part in Decisions Related to Mental Health

Prior to implementing any mental health initiatives, it's essential to engage your team in the decision-making process. These initiatives are designed for them, and their input is invaluable in shaping the program to align with their goals and needs.

Conduct surveys or hold meetings with small groups to encourage active participation. Approach these discussions with an open mind, recognizing that not every idea can be put into practice. Weigh the pros and cons to make informed final decisions.

2. Provide Substantial Resources

Resources can manifest in various ways, such as health insurance plans with minimal or no out-of-pocket costs for mental health counseling, tools for self-assessing mental health, mindfulness workshops, and training to recognize signs and symptoms. It's crucial to guarantee that these resources are inclusive and do not discriminate against any individual or group.

3. Promote Work-Life Balance

Emphasize your team's mental health by prioritizing time off. In light of the increasing importance of mental health awareness, traditional paid time off policies are evolving.

Many companies have transitioned to hybrid work-from-home schedules, especially following the pandemic's impact. Some even offer unlimited paid time off to encourage employees to take time as needed, reducing the likelihood of calling in sick due to fear of rejection. Others are adopting a balanced approach.

For instance, at Blooming Solutions, we provide two paid days off each month to all full-time employees, in addition to their personal time off. These extra days allow employees to travel, attend medical appointments, and complete errands that they might not otherwise have time for. Department heads oversee this initiative to avoid scheduling conflicts.

4. Create a Quiet, Clean and Safe Work Environment

Designate dedicated areas within the workplace as quiet spaces for employees to unwind and relax. Maintaining a clean and organized environment is essential for creating an inviting workplace. The Harvard Business Journal highlights the detrimental effects of cluttered and disorganized workspaces on productivity.

Consider partnering with a trusted service provider to manage your cleaning solutions. Additionally, you can enhance the work environment by introducing greenery through plants and designing open spaces that foster collaboration.

5. Encourage Connection

While achieving business goals is crucial, don't forget to prioritize fun. Arrange company events, retreats, lunches, and more to demonstrate that your team's dedication is valuable, but it's not everything. These gatherings also provide an excellent opportunity to emphasize the significance of their mental well-being.

Implement Your Mental Health Wellness Initiatives

Now that you have the necessary tools for a mental health-friendly workplace, it's time to put them into action. Create a written document summarizing each initiative, making it easily shareable and accessible to your team. Don’t forget to consider the five tips discussed above:

  1. Invite employees to take part in decisions related to mental health.
  2. Provide substantial resources.
  3. Promote work-life balance.
  4. Create a quiet, clean, and safe work environment.
  5. Encourage connection.

For more information about how we can help you maintain a clean safe workplace, contact us HERE